Netflix Cancels Live-Action Cowboy Bebop

Netflix Cancelled the show just one season in, reports The Hollywood Reporter. The Show premiered on Nov.19 this year. It didn’t even get one month play time with the steaming giant. This means , no more holding off on watching your anticipated shows or Netflix will cancel them. The show which saw almost 74 million views on it’s premier, had a hard time maintaining those numbers. If the end of season cliffhanger left you wanting more, you can always pick up the anime series here.

The show’s a live action adaptation of an extremely popular classic anime series of the same title. The show premiered to mixed reviews , in large part due to the liberties it took with the source material. This is a cautionary tale to the up and coming live action adaptions of Yu-Yu-Hakusho , One Piece, Mega man, and Gundam. Please don’t get original on us, we’re happy just getting the live-action treatment.

The actors John Cho (Spike) , and Mustafa Shakir (Jet Black), wasted no time to give us their reactions on twitter.

I personally enjoyed the show, though admittedly the choices it made to diverge for the source material weren’t to my taste. That being said , I do believe it’s one of the best adaptions we’ve gotten from Netflix. Just remember (or rather, don’t) the cringe worthy Death Note live-action adaption. I still have nightmares about that!

Being a big anime fan, I hope Netflix can get this right so we can enjoy these beautiful stories (that we love) get the live action treatment. Better luck on the next one Netflix. See you space cowboys.

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