John Wick 4 is the latest installment in the high-octane action franchise, which has been captivating audiences since the release of the first film in 2014. Directed by Chad Stahelski, this fourth film takes the franchise to new heights with its intense action sequences and stunning visuals.
The film follows the story of legendary hitman John Wick, played by Keanu Reeves, as he tries to take revenge on the High Table. In this installment, Wick finds himself pitted against Marquis Vincent de Gramont (played by Bill Skarsgård) and his, “unlimited resources at his disposal”.
Action As with previous John Wick films, the action in John Wick 4 is non-stop and intense. Stahelski is known for his expertise in creating dynamic and exciting fight scenes, and he does not disappoint in this film. The fight choreography is both impressive and brutal, and it is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
One interesting aspect of John Wick 4 is its use of influences from classic films like The Warriors. The film pays homage to the 1979 cult classic by incorporating elements of its unique style and aesthetic. This gives the film a retro feel that is both nostalgic and fresh.
Another standout moment in the film is the retro-style top-down shooter scene. Very reminiscent of retro games like Super C, and Smash Tv. This sequence is a departure from the typical John Wick style, but it fits perfectly into the film’s overall aesthetic. It is a creative and unexpected addition that adds even more excitement to an already thrilling movie.
As always, Keanu Reeves delivers a fantastic performance as John Wick. His stoic demeanor and physicality are a perfect fit for the character. Additionally, the supporting cast, which includes Donnie Yen, Shamier Anderson, and Ian McShane, all bring their A-game to the film.
Overall, John Wick 4 is a must-see for fans of the franchise and action movies in general. With its intense action sequences, nods to classic films like The Warriors, and unexpected retro-style top-down shooter scene, the film delivers an exciting and satisfying experience. The performances from the cast are strong, and the direction by Chad Stahelski is top-notch. If you’re looking for a thrilling ride, John Wick 4 is definitely worth the price of admission.