Evil Dead Rise: A Worthy Addition to the Iconic Horror Franchise


Evil Dead Rise is the latest installment in the beloved horror franchise that began in 1981 with the original Evil Dead. Directed by Lee Cronin, the film follows two sisters who move into a luxurious New York high-rise apartment, only to find themselves battling a demonic plague that turns the building’s inhabitants into bloodthirsty monsters. As a fan of the original Evil Dead, I was excited to see how this latest entry in the series would live up to its predecessors.


The plot of Evil Dead Rise is fairly straightforward, but that doesn’t mean it’s lacking in scares or tension. The film wastes no time in establishing the demonic threat, with the sisters discovering the first signs of the plague within minutes of arriving at their new home. From there, it’s a battle for survival as the sisters and a handful of other survivors fight to make it out of the building alive. The pacing is tight and the action is intense, with plenty of gore and jump scares to keep horror fans entertained.


One of the strengths of Evil Dead Rise is its characters. While they may not be as iconic as Bruce Campbell’s Ash Williams, the sisters and their fellow survivors are well-drawn and engaging. The film takes the time to establish their backstories and relationships, making it easy to root for them as they battle the demonic forces that threaten to consume them.

Similarities to the Original

Fans of the original Evil Dead will find plenty to like in Evil Dead Rise. The film is clearly a love letter to the series, with numerous references and callbacks to the earlier films. From the iconic cabin in the woods, the demonic possession scenes, to the blood soaked room. There’s a sense of familiarity that will resonate with longtime fans of the franchise. That being said, the film also manages to carve out its own identity, with a fresh take on the Evil Dead mythology that feels both faithful and innovative.

Special Effects and Gore

As with any good horror film, the special effects and gore in Evil Dead Rise are top-notch. From practical effects like prosthetics and makeup to CGI, the film pulls out all the stops to create a convincing and terrifying vision of demonic possession. The gore is plentiful and gruesome, with plenty of blood and guts on display. If you’re squeamish, this might not be the film for you, but for horror fans who love a good splatter fest, Evil Dead Rise delivers the goods.

Direction and Cinematography

Lee Cronin does an excellent job directing Evil Dead Rise, crafting a visually striking horror film that’s both stylish and creepy. The cinematography is top-notch, with plenty of inventive camera angles and lighting choices that add to the film’s atmosphere. The set design is also impressive, with the high-rise apartment building serving as an effective and claustrophobic setting for the action.

Conclusion Overall

I found Evil Dead Rise to be a worthy addition to the Evil Dead franchise. While it may not reach the heights of the original trilogy, it’s a solid horror film that delivers plenty of scares and gore. The similarities to the original are sure to please fans, while the fresh take on the mythology keeps things from feeling too derivative. With strong direction, impressive visuals, and engaging characters, Evil Dead Rise is a must-see for horror fans looking for a good scare.

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